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How Zoom changed video conferencing for the better!!!

Writer's picture: Amtech SystemsAmtech Systems

The #videoconferencing market was heading towards a culdesac with expensive hardware deployment for scaling and linking existing end-point to webTRC until, Blue Jeans and #Zoom US came along. However while Bluejeans had the first-to-market advantage but Zoom changed the whole game for the #unifiedcommunication and #videoconference user's entirely. Zoom took over from #Bluejeans because of simple reasons: transparency, competitive pricing and most importantly, solving the web-TRC to H323 friendly connection.

Lets for example do maths, if one has to connect 3 video conferencing sessions (H323) and take 4 users over browser, couple of audio sessions with a #skypeforbusiness user in one conference call with recording, one has to buy a bridging and collaboration server for around $50K-60K minus the bandwidth costs minus the IT resource cost. With Zoom one could connect with the same for less than $200/month or use it for years without the hassle of bandwidth and IT resource.

Zoom US video conferencing

Zoom #cloudvideoconferencing changed the game for a long time to come with it's competitive pricing structures and most importantly, solved the problem for the user. The future for cloud video conferencing and #ZoomUS is bright however, there will be challenges but knowing the management, they could work around. Thanks for saving, millions of $'s.

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