Our Product Video Conference Solutions Reviewed in Pakistan
Pakistan's Top Video Conferencing Solution Provider
connect anywhere, anytime, anyone
We received feedack from Mst Lima who product video conference rooms solutions in April 10, 2018.
Welcome to Amtech System's video conference solution page. This page guides you to buy the best video conferencing equipment and solution in Pakistan. Amtech Systems provides a variety of video conferencing solutions with major's brands like Polycom, Yealink, Logitech, Cisco, and Huawei apart from cloud video conferencing software like Zoom, Blue Jeans, and Webex.
It's important to choose the right solution for video conferencing since the solutions are tailored to your needs and there's where Amtech Systems comes in with its video conference engineer and pre-sales expertise.
Must read: Buying Guide to Video Conference Solution in Pakistan
Video Conference for Board Room & Conference Rooms in Pakistan
So the video conference solutions for board rooms and conference rooms are now essential part of today's meetings in Pakistan. Amtech Systems provides you full proof video conference solution tailored to to your need.
Important Pre-Requisites for Board Rooms Video Conference Deployment in Pakistan
display (could be HDMI based multimedia projector or LED for best results.
white-listed static IP (please note Amtech Systems helps end-users get their IP whitelisted) Form Download
board-rooms should have enough lighting (ideally warm lights for best video conference results)

Amtech Systems offers various solutions for board rooms around Pakistan & Afghanistan. Always remember that there are now solutions which would connect your video conference equipment with any browser, PSTN, iOS, Skype for Business and record your solutions both via cloud video conferencing or via video conferencing infrastructure. Pakistani video conferencing market leader Amtech Systems has 68% of video conferencing market share in Pakistan remains the undistributed leader in video conferencing solution space.
Get a free demo or assessment now.
Distance Learning Online Class Room and Webinar Solutions in Pakistan
Amtech Systems provided ICAP, ICMAP, IBA, LUMS, FAST, Tabani Educational Institutions & Universities to setup state-of-the-art Distance Learning and Online Class Room Solution in Pakistan.
One of the biggest challenges for any educational institution is to increase enrollment in such tough competitive and economic-crunch times. However, Amtech Systems had provided hundreds of educational institutions in Pakistan with state-of-the-art distance learning, online class-room and webinar solution at an economical cost. What we have witnessed is that with educational institutions and more and more class rooms adopting video conference solutions and setting up distance learning programs, the more enrollment they had been getting.
Prime example for this had been ICAP, one of the largest finance and accounting institution in Pakistan. With Amtech Systems, ICAP had installed video conference devices nationally from Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Faisalabad, Peshawar and even Quetta and had seen an increase of 38% enrollment.
Tabani School for Accountancy is another example where teachers are teaching from Australia via video conferencing which had seen positive results in enrollment and student's confidence.

Unified Communication Solutions in Pakistan
Amtech Systems is the largest Unified Communication solution provider in Pakistan. We have over the years deployed large and small Unified Communication solutions for organizations like Philip Morris, English Biscuits etc in Pakistan.
So what is Unified Communication? What Unified Communication does is that it provides communication over a single platform (video, audio & content).Microsoft Skype for Business is a classical example of Unified Communication.
Call Names , Not Numbers
So lets say if you have multiple offices in Pakistan or anywhere else and you want one solution which connects them via video, audio and data using one solution. That's where Unified Communication Solution chips in where your PBX, Video Conference and Data (presentations) etc would be connected not just saving you costs but providing enterprise quality.
Video Conference Infrastructure

If you are an organization which needs to invest in a secure video conference solution free from cloud environment or public IPs than you would need video conference infrastructure solutions. Amtech Systems provides large video conference infrastructure solutions which are cost effective and caters to your needs from brands like Polycom, Yealink, Zoom and Cisco. So if you are looking for a video conferencing bridge, video conference firewall etc, Amtech Systems is the your right video conference vendor in Pakistan and Afghanistan.